Living in Beauty.
I’ve been thinking about these words lately as they will be the new ‘tagline’ for IntuitiveBody… and this isn’t about fluff (which if you know me, you know.. like not at all). Beauty for me is about loving all of it.. All of the layers, all of the parts of you, all of the mysteries of the world, all of the imperfection… AND… finding ways to create moments that you find beautiful. In your senses, in your physical world.. your home, the food you eat, how you adorn yourself, what you create in any small moment.
In the emotional realm. How you tend your heart, how you love and support others, how you extend yourself, the ways you heal and expand, how you hold the mix of all of the parts of you. How you soften the pieces that scare you, how you forgive yourself, and othes..
In the spiritual…sacred and beautiful daily rituals. The way you practice devotion, reverence. The ways you connect with the Divine inside of and beyond you. The prayers you offer, the writing you do, the seeking for ways to become better, to open your heart more fully, to believe, to find the mystical and the magical, to know the Divine in a way that guides and enlivens you.
There are so so many ways to Live in Beauty. Not all of them maybe what you or I would define as traditionally ‘beautiful’… But loving yourself and others and the world in a bigger way… becoming MORE of yourself, sharing more of your heart and your gifts and your presence.
Talk to me about how you are Living in Beauty…Do these words evoke something for you that is meaningful? And, let’s talk, just you+me. I provide intimate coaching. only. I have for 35 years. It’s what I love and how my own gifts express. Whatever is going on for you, I’ve helped so many hundreds of women and would love to help you. an initial conversation with me is private, strategic, and does not cost you a thing and does not include sales pressure. Just reach out.
All love, lisa xo
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