It’s true- how many times have you heard “when I lose weight, then I will be happy”… or apply for a new job, start dating, learn to dance, and so on.
Guess what? It never works that way. Losing weight comes when you begin to care for yourself by finding ways to be happy- in other words, you can’t lose weight or go into deprivation-mode in order to make the other changes. You need to find ways to create more pleasure and more happiness and satisfaction right now, so that you can build a solid foundation of wellbeing that will inspire you to take steps to get healthier and release the weight and addictive-eating.
IntuitiveBody is a way to holistically put all of the pieces together so that you have a life that brings you happiness and freedom right now- today, so that you can also take the steps and find the love for yourself that allows you to make the changes to break out of weight and eating misery.
I am about to roll out 3 amazing (if I do say so) programs at that are designed to support you in brand new ways, to get you powerful results immediately. You will want to stay tuned- I want to help you change your life- It’s totally doable- you know I would NOT joke about this.
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