Hi all-have been having a blast adding all sorts of good stuff to our new membership site, IntuitiveBodySanctuary. The resources page is starting to fill up with recommendations for all of my must-reads, and products that I feel have really enhanced my overall health and wellbeing.
Having a place to put all of my tools, and techniques and the flashes of inspiration I get to share with you is really fun for ME- a benefit I did not expect- it’s become something that I love adding to daily. I have been collecting so many things to inspire myself over the years, and now I am enjoying sharing these with you. My private clients have always been able to borrow books or tapes, or get recommendations for products and such, and now I get to recommend things to you all in a much more global and convenient format- very cool.
If you haven’t yet checked out the Sanctuary, go take a look, and let me know what you think, or if I have left something out that would make things even better.
Wishing you lots of love and every blessing-
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