Raw food, Vegan food plans, the HcG diets, Crazy Sexy Life…There are a LOT of different food plans that women are drawn to right now. There are some pretty sexy persuasions around ways of eating, and many women and teens are drawn to the dogma or the celebrities or even the marketing of it all. And truly this is nothing new, because we women love to believe that something new, something outside of ourselves will finally help us make peace with our bodies… sigh. That would be nice if it were so simple, yes?
It rarely is so don’t shoot the messenger, just read on because this is actually a good message, a little side-dish to digest while you may be experimenting with how some of these ways of eating might support you.
I was on the phone early this morning having another lively spirited discussion with my dear friend Rosie about … food… and eating.. as we often like to do because we both work in this field and we love to discuss all of the in’s and out’s of it all personally and professionally. And I love our talks for so many reasons but one of the reasons is that it really helps me clarify some of my perspective out loud.. what I believe so that I can pass it along to you.
And here it is.
Whatever way of eating you may decide on, please know this because it is so important. Absolutely nothing will work for you unless you really are choosing both from a place of intuitive- smarts, and intelligent-smarts.
Ask yourself does this plan line up with what you know agrees with your body, things that have felt good to you and agreed with you at other times? What exactly is drawing you and is that a good basis for trying something- TUNE IN to YOUR IntuitiveBody and feel for the connection to see if this is really a good match. Will all raw really truly feel good for you or does it feel overwhelming? Or can you do something in a way that feels more gradual and intuitively right vs. falling in “whole hog” (sorry, love the expression and it fit..). Let your inner wisdom speak to you, this is a time when you really will benefit from hearing those whisperings so that you can feel really comfortable and well as you try to make changes that serve you!
Here is another thing that you really need to remember and it’s more of an energetic-thing. What works ultimately, I believe, is what we believe… but only every single time! If you are trying to follow a plan but in your heart you kinda sorta wonder if this is REALLY good for you, or if it’s a little crazy, or know that really meat is your first love and you’re not ready for this, back up. Or, if you believe that a certain way of eating sounds unhealthy but the “cool” girls are doing it so you’re going to jump in and try to make it work for you but it really isn’t your thing and you don’t truly believe it’s right for you… PLEASE please find your center and remind yourself that this is not a place to prove anything to anyone.
Food and eating have become a crazy arena to play out all sorts of issues around identity and worth and who’s in/out and honestly is that really how you want to express yourself? Don’t answer that too quickly. Find some quiet moment and feel your way through this.. it’s a very big question.
Food, eating it’s about nourishment. How well do you nourish yourself with food and everywhere else. That’s really what I want you to consider if you’re willing.
My heart to yours–
Catherine Mills says
I totally believe in this psychology, I experienced it for real recently! I had put on a few pounds over the winter and was obsessing over it. I went to a personal trainer to plan a work out that I could use to lose weight and thought that I should write down everything I ate at Spark People. The exercise regime was over the top, left me gasping for air and pushing myself to the limit. After a week I said "OMG, I only have a few extra pounds, why am I going crazy over this??" I calmed myself down and remembered, oh yes, I do know how to eat healthy and to add physical activity to my routine, so that's what I'll do. I feel so much more at ease about this route, I've put away the scale, no worries! The first approach did not resonate with me, too extreme and forced, and thankfully, I realized this and made a change for the better, a change that feels more like "my style".