Sometimes (all the time) you have to listen to what some part of you knows, the voice that rises above the noise of the external world, your precious #IntuitiveBody. Listen for the right ways to nourish yourself.
Your IntuitiveBody knows.
There are times to wait, to be still, to digest and metabolize, to reserve energy. These may also be times to really root into the practices and daily actions that most deeply nourish and support you. To get your foundation super strong. To bless where you are to look at what you’ve already created, to let it settle a bit deeper..
This may be a time to get a bit more clear around the beauty of you. Your gifts. Your generosity. Your heart. Your creations. Your goodness. When was the last time you sat with that and took some claim for it….without comparing, without qualifying without apologizing, without minimizing, without pushing it away.
This may be a time for more rest… no… really more rest. better rest, rest with permission and with deep love for the parts of you that are fried that are depleted that are weary that may be grieving for what you’ve lost, what you’ve sacrificed, what you’ve experiences… what you’ll never have back, love for the parts that were broken and need some love and rest and permission to heal and become strong at the ‘broken places’.
This may be a time for dormancy. The seasons dictate some of the energy and having a relationship with them can be a gorgeous kind of guidance. Rest more, nourish from the roots, wait, pause, dream of spring when you will reemerge in your unique and full splendor like the Japanese Cherry trees that line my old town.
Where are you? What are you telling yourself about it? What could you say instead, what could be a better version of the tired not-so-helpful nor kind (nor true) story you’re rehashing for the countless time.
You choose.
You choose what you tell yourself about it. You choose the words and the tone and the judgment or the blessed lack of it. May as well make it something good.. you’ll feel better, you’ll be able to hear the guidance more easily, you’ll be able to create something better when you’re ready.
Rest, dream, breathe. Wrap yourself up. Sip something warm. Make a pot of something delicious. Dream some more.
Want to talk? I’m here, reach out via contact page or FB.
#FollowBeauty #Holylistening #IntuitiveBody #bestill
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