Welcome to the Wise Woman Council November 2012.
I’ve been thinking so much recently about the wisdom of our (intuitive)bodies.. the knowing and guidance that lives there. I remember my well-loved spiritual/clairvoyant teacher that I studied with for many years whose favorite saying to our class was “get back in your body”. What she meant was to get out of our heads, get out of our intellectual way of trying to understand things, and let the knowing of our intuitive feminine receptive guidance point the way. It’s so easy to get disconnected, and for most of us it happens countless times in a single day. I try to remember to pull my energies in again, to gently and with as little judgment as possible “come home to my body”…to settle in, to breathe and slow it all down until I am rooted again..It’s inevitable that soon enough something else will pull me out. I will get distracted by what’s “out there” in some way, or by my own fears and self-judgment and the swirl in my own mind..and lose my footing, my center and have to repeat the process over and over. It’s part of our nature. As we move into the shorter days, we are called to move inward. To pull our energies inward and begin to slow down a bit. As always, the pieces shared by this month’s Wise Women offer you many ways to soothe and nourish yourself at every level. See which ones call to you and try leaving your busy mind behind for a bit each day.. come home to your body and the beauty and peace that you can find there. With great thanks to all of the women who contributed this month.. so much wisdom and beauty here.. and to everyone who is here to fill their well. I send you much love and every blessing. With love from my heart to yours.. What’s one act of loving care that you do for yourself each day, and how does it fill you up ..with peace, gratitude, and beauty?
Check out past months
Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except yourself. |