What if you believed that your body truly was your temple? That it was where your divinity lived, the part of you that was of the Divine? Doesn’t it make sense that this perspective would change everything?
If you could truly envision and believe that your body was sacred ground, a holy place which housed your beautiful spirit, how do you think you would feel?
For me, the single most essential perspective to take you out of your struggles with food and weight is to make this connection. You ARE divine, you ARE holy ground. When you know this, even a little bit, even temporarily, something will shift for you.
It is much much easier to honor that which you love and value. And it also follows that the ways in which you treat yourself, will determine the ways that others respond to you.
Another important shift will occur. You will realize that you have been worshipping food, instead of the Divine. You turn to food as a powerful being- as if it is capable of healing your painful thoughts and feelings in any given moment. You see food as very powerful, more poweful than you. This is a kind of blasphemy, don’t you think?
Now I know not everyone will agree with the ideas here. But if you have been struggling with food, and weight, overeating or undereating, obsessive out-of-control thinking about food and your body, take a few moments and consider what I have said.
To see yourself as a divine creation, and live from that place of knowing and belief, can cause an incredible shift. Just reflect for a minute and see how that belief might impact you. What would you feel like changing from that perspective?
I believe your body is a temple. I believe my body is a temple, although there have been many moments where I lost that connection and temporarily forgot. One thing I can tell you that is one hundred percent true- You will feel uplifted and better in each moment that you connect with and act on this belief. Each and every time that you make the conscious choice to honor and connect with your own divinity, with the body as the temple of your highest and perfect self, you will feel better.
I want that for you.
PS- and if this perspective and possibility of learning to treat your body as the holy sacred temple that it is, you will love my upcoming 6-week class. Stay tuned!
therapist says
Lisa thank you so much for reminding me of how good in essence my body has been to me over the years and that I should take better care of it than what I do. I am so busy making other people happy and caring for them that I know I often lose sight and forget that I need to take care of myself as well. 2009 is the year to get that right one again. I need to make time for me and male my life and my health a priority once again.
therapist says
Lisa thank you so much for reminding me of how good in essence my body has been to me over the years and that I should take better care of it than what I do. I am so busy making other people happy and caring for them that I know I often lose sight and forget that I need to take care of myself as well. 2009 is the year to get that right one again. I need to make time for me and male my life and my health a priority once again.