I believe the ones the cut the deepest, take the longest to process, the ones where you feel such deep tenderness and have trouble being in your physical body because you may feel so fragile, have a certain thing in common.
It’s my belief that we mistake these endings as about specific relationships. Maybe it was a lover, or a spouse, maybe it was a friendship, or a client.
But it’s often more about the ending of a pattern.
One of the big ones that you’ve enacted time and again. The big ones from your early life history that follow you around, loyal and relentless. They go everywhere with you, color everything with the same beliefs, responses, perspective, and the same kind of pain that results.
Our patterns like to hold tight.
They think they are trying to protect us. They believe if they keep showing us moments of the past when we were vulnerable and hurt, that we can stay safe.
We get addicted to our wounds. Take that one in. It’s true. We know it if we are open to what is true.
We get addicted to the stories, to the beliefs about how and why we were hurt. We hold onto the pain the grudges the losses the betrayals the misunderstanding and we glue all the pieces together into a mosaic that we believe reflects our totality, our worth, our self.
It doesn’t. We are not that.
The holding onto it, the using it as our calling card, our identity, keeps us separate from our true identity our divine identity, our true nature.
Yes. We have pain. Most of us have trauma in some form. Most of us have experienced crushing losses. And the particular betrayals that were right on time, that were heaven sent to support our evolution (if we allow it, and often we do not).
But we for sure get addicted to the wounds are the ways we define ourselves, how we choose, what we say yes or no to, who we allow in our lives, the amount of self worth we believe is ours, the amount of joy we feel we can have… so much. All of it colored by our attachment to the past and what happened there, and our stories about who it made us.
And when we have a relationship that brings this all to a head, regardless of the nature of the relationship, it’s definitely not limited to romantic liasons… And if we are able to recognize that pattern coming around again (and again)…
And if by some miracle we are able to loosen the ties that bind….we will feel a major wobble in the force as it fights to hold on… as we pull the tiny tentacles of its’ occupancy in our body and psyche and energetic field.. we will feel it for sure.
We will feel it in the body. We will feel the battle which can be mighty. We will feel the hook trying to pull us back, we will hear the voices of what is not true. But we may also hear (and I believe we will and do!) hear the voice of our knowing, our truly loyal companion, the voice of our #IntuitiveBody.
The voice of the knowing of you. The voice that will speak truth, that will not hijack you, the voice that is separate from the pain and the patterns and the hooks and the woundedness.
Listen for THAT voice.
It’s gentle. It’s clear. It has no forceful agenda.
It’s here to bring you back. It’s here to heal you and give
you the choices that set you free. It’s the wisdom that lets you embrace all of your parts, while lovingly and gently choosing to take a step forward.
To stop hurting yourself. To tell the truth. TO let them go. To make space for the new. To heal and to create.
Creation energy, and I know this so deeply on a personal level… is where so much magic is .
It is the energy of the god force… Creation
Finding ways to let it move through you, to let it find you, to inspire you to pick up the pen, or put the pan on the stove, or get your hands in the dirt, or to grab a crayon and start to move it on the paper… To birth a new idea for your beloved clients, to pen an email to somebody with a heartful message…
A way to stay with yourself. A way to hold yourself through it all. To not abandon yourself. And to not feed the pain (hello emotional eating.)
All these and more. Creation energy will save us.
When you’re hurting. When you don’t want to let go.. of the person, or the story, or the beliefs, or the past… find the crack of light and make something teeny tiny and shift the energy gently.
Just a little, you only need a little.
That’s the medicine.
One second at at time to cut yourself loose.
Tell me what you need. Tell me what’s hurting .Tell me what wants to be dissipated under the bright light of this incredible Full Moon tonight. I”m here. I’m listening. I love you . xo lisa

PS~~And.. I still have openings Friday for Serving Hours. complimentary sessions to talk about whatever you want, and to get intuitive coaching feedback and strategies that get to the heart of it all quickly and that will maybe change your life (really).
If you’re ready to talk, to consider setting yourself free, I’m here, reach out and let’s schedule a time.
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