Nourish and heal with IntuitiveBody.com Rituals
Saturate your self with love.
Anoint your body with this ritual called abhyanga self-massage and you’ll see why I’m in love with it.
My hair looks better, my skin is softer, my nerves calmer and my sleep better.
I made a video for you about abhyanga self-massage.
You can watch the video here: http://youtu.be/pwdZyCysJeI
Warm sesame oil applied with loving care is to me a kind of “laying-on of hands”. It’s more than the massage, the properties of the oil, the peaceful time in your bathroom.
This practice allows us to reconnect with our bodies with love and care and healing energies. I read that abhyanga is like being saturated with love…and it is.
This is the kind of ritual that makes a difference. Allow about 10 or 15 minutes. You’ll need sesame oil ( I use Banyan Botanicals organic sesame oil) or you could use coconut oil. You might want a towel beneath you for any spills. And a warm bathroom.
You perform the self-massage before you bathe or shower. You can use soap strategically so that some of the oil stays on your skin.
Put a bit of the sesame oil in your hands and rub together. Start by gently massaging your temples, forehead, and all around your face with your fingertips. Move to the neck, your ears, even your scalp as sesame oil is said to be good for hair growth and strength and shine- I have definitely seen this to be true in the 6 weeks that I’ve been practicing this ritual.
Use long strokes on your long bones, arms and legs, circular ones around your shoulders, knees, ankles and wrists. Continue to put small amounts of oil in your hands. Stroke towards your heart.. you’ll feel your internal temperature warming and may notice some color in your skin. If you’ve never done this before you might try breast-massage. Massage under your arms moving towards the heart and each breast gently. Massage your belly in circular motions starting in the lower right and moving up and to the left and down. This is good for digestion. Spend some time on your feet and move up towards your core. Don’t forget your hips and as much of your back as you can reach.
Notice how you feel, stay connected to your body as mindfully as you can, coming into present time, without judgment.. Just notice.
This is time to do something really lovely for your body and spirit, without focusing on any flaws or negative body-talk. For women with eating or weight issues, you may find that this is a powerful way to reconnect with your body in a gentle and nourishing way.
And of course I want that for you!

Deep healing in a self-guided digital retreat program.. 120 pages of healing and detoxing techniques.
For more beautiful ways to make peace with you body, calm your nervous system, nourish yourself and create true healing there is my digital self-guided program You Are The Temple..when you buy it you will also receive admission to my next half day Virtual Retreat March 22nd.
With so much love from my heart to yours~
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