Hi there-
I have been talking some about the concept of being “grounded” in my newsletter lately. This is an essential piece if you want to lose weight, or simply stop your compulsive overeating.
Being grounded means staying in the moment, in present time. It means having your focus be here and now, as opposed to planning something in future time, or remembering or obsessing about something in the past.
It is said that our only power is in “the now”- I believe this was said by Eckhart Tolle in his book “The Power of NOw” as well as by others. This might also be referred to as mindfulness, and I refer to it as being grounded, or being “in your body”.
It is important to be in your body because that is where your intuition and guidance come in. You cannot receive guidance from the Universe or God, or whomever you pray to if you are not there to receive it!
I believe our higher information and wisdom, our deep knowing come in through our senses, our bodies. So being grounded is the foundation for that receiving, which gives you the direction and wisdom which makes life so much richer, and far easier.
The simplest way to become grounded is through our breath. If you are focusing on your breathing, your mind will find an anchor and can get quieter. There are many ways to do this. You can literally focus on the inhale and the exhale- noticing the way your ribcage and belly expand on the in-breath, and gently recede on the exhale. Others like to count to help them stay connected to their breathing- perhaps counting in for 4 , holding for a pause, then exhaling for 4 counts.
How does this help curtail compulsive eating? Great question, so glad you asked…. It helps because it anchors you in your body, which takes you out of the spin of emotions, thoughts and beliefs which are what usually drive us to overeat. It is the overwhelm, or disconnect from or wish to disconnect from all of these that often lands us in that place of eating out of control.
Taking breaks during the day to consciously become grounded in your body, by finding a few minutes to focus on your breathing and getting quiet will go a LONG way towards helping you release your food-addiction.
Try this- today see how many times you can remember to take time for a breathing-break. Let yourself focus on your breathing and being in your body for a few minutes, or until you find yourself feeling calmer and more centered. This is so simple but a truly powerful ticket to getting out of emotional overeating.
I would love to hear from you about what you noticed when you tried this. What do YOU notice about being grounded? Are there any special ways that you get back in your body?
Feel free to post- we are here to help each other.
Much love to you always,
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