Why creating beauty is so very personal for me. 
I realized after my last email to you about resurrection, that an important cycle was coming to a close for me, something painful and personal.
My husband and I decided to separate and essentially end our marriage last April. And I allowed myself a full year to grieve this ending, to pause and do the deep work of releasing and feeling it all, to clean out the wound. Although Andy and I see each other regularly and are dear friends and family, it still really really hurt to end this marriage. More than I will say.
And I realized today as I stood by the ocean releasing the actual ashes of the writing I’d burned as part of a ceremony, that my year of mourning was over. I was free to open my heart, to create anew, to move into the rebirth for real.
The feeling was and is joy…exuberance…aliveness.
You know that beauty is kind of my creed. My love of creating beauty in every aspect of my life comes from what was not always so beautiful. Both my parents owned design businesses. Gifted, talented, visionaries both of them. They both had an ‘eye’ for what was beautiful. for color and form and placement, and they created an incredible home for my brothers and me.
The rest was not so beautiful. They were very limited by their own struggles and relentlessly critical and at times cruel. There was no sense of emotional safety or the ability to just be. Then my Dad got very sick with cancer when I was 14 and went through intensive treatments and hospitalizations until he died when I was 23. My youngest brother Sam, my anchor and best friend, died 4 years ago at 45.
I have learned to love and create the beautiful as both a way to stay connected to the best part of my family, but also as a way of healing myself. The rituals and practices, the joy in creating home, in adornment, in eating well, they have been essential to my tending my heart and mind in more loving ways. Living in beauty, in small and larger ways is a way we honor ourselves, and create a deep sense of home, of belonging, of our connection to the Divine. It matters.
The launch of Beauty School next week is also the launch of the rebirth part of the life and death cycle for me. It’s personal. This is how I celebrate the end of a long and arduous year. And although there have been many moments of newness, it has taken me the full year to be ready to open again, to create what is mine from this new place.
I would love you to be part of this.
Honestly, I wanted this program to be a place where you could create beauty in a very conscious and deliberate way without feeling the least bit overwhelmed. Each month a different theme and focus. Inspiration and support. Other women, the soul group, who’ve come together in this space and time, to do it with you.
This morning by the ocean, I felt the bigness of it and the freedom in my heart to walk in the new, in ways that are just right for me… and I want that for you.
Our first month together- April will focus on the body
When we are truly embodied and connected, we have the energies necessary to create everything else. I will also offer an optional guided-cleanse in April…and our first Virtual Retreat or Medicine Day as i’m calling it. A half day retreat from your home…live on calls with me. They’re incredible.
I am in love with this program. And it feels good to be in love 🙂. The reason I’ve offered it at this price is to create a robust founding community so everyone feels part of something… so that there is energy and love and commitment behind it all.
If you’ve been on the fence, a few things. First, there is a LOT coming in April that won’t be repeated in most other months. And, the annual membership will go up after April 2nd. Finally, to sweeten the deal- if you sign up for an annual membership between today March 30th and April 2nd, two gifts..
How long have you been trying to love your body more, smooth out relationship issues that drain you, make your home be more of a sanctuary, and start loving yourself up every single day to have your outside match your inside? We take it slow and steady and in a year? You’ve integrated all that beauty and are really strutting your stuff.
If Beauty School is right for you, I’d love you to join us..
For the next 10 people who sign up by April 2nd…a reward for taking decisive action! I’ll gift you a deep-dive consult on a specific issue for 45 minutes ($250 value) in addition to a copy of Recovering Beauty- my ebook about weight/eating/feelings and finding your way clear.
The annual price (shakes out to $40 a month….for a year.. with twice monthly laser coaching sessions among other things). I will more than match your investment…
We begin next week…beauty for our bodies with practices you’ll adore, an optional cleanse, an at home retreat, individual private laser-coaching, weekly email accountability.. FB group.. a copy of You Are The Temple… you will be awash in all this beauty in ways I know matter… really… they matter. No overwhelm, only what works for you.
I will shower you with additional bonuses as outlined above if you sign on by April 2nd. All the information, and a way to sign up are here…Let’s celebrate the fresh and new and sacred and beautiful all year.. come on, take the ride with me.
In love and beauty…
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