⚡⭐✨⚡⭐My clients don’t always like to be seen, don’t always want to go public with the eating challenges.. And I wanted to offer another way, that would still be powerful, that would still offer relief and breakthroughs, in ways my clients have had access to…
I have been writing deep and rich content for “40 Days~Breaking The Spell of Emotional Eating”.
Offering these materials in this particular format feels very powerful, and for me a culmination of my 35 years of work that is accessible and that I believe will make a big impact on those who work with them.
And, I just needed to stop by to say that I wrote the chapter on “The Mother Wound” and am beginning the one on sexuality.
A couple nice light topics. Yikes. Intense and I love being able to focus on really specific pieces of the emotional eating struggle. Things I’ve seen over and over with my work with clients. Things that have personal meaning for me from my own early struggles.
If you have not found relief from the pain of emotional eating, if you are still looking for something that can support you in a way that will make a difference, I hope you will read about the program here.
I’ve structured it in the 40 Day format so you have structure and focus and writing prompts to move the energy, to release it from your body, to give you clarity and understanding, to encourage new perspective and compassion, and to also give you access to me via regular email coaching support right when you need it. And there is also an option for a package of Spell Breaking private sessions at half price from my usual coaching, with this program only. So… it’s up to you. Either option will support you powerfully.
I have seen over the years how ambivalent my clients are. And how many of them have told me “I’ve never told anyone this before”. The secrets, the shame, the trauma, the relentless feeling of being stuck and in pain and self judgement.
Not everyone trusts that somebody can help them in a standard coaching or therapy format.
They want to be able to have privacy, to have the materials to themselves to work with, to take their time to be with it all in their own way. They may want to do it themselves, not really trusting that somebody can help them.
They want to be able to have privacy, to have the materials to themselves to work with, to take their time to be with it all in their own way. They may want to do it themselves, not really trusting that somebody can help them.
I honestly understand that, and it’s a big part of why I created the program in these ways.
Please read more here, and I hope you’ll give yourself a chance to explore what may be a longtime challenge in a new way, from somebody with a LOT of experience helping women find relief and freedom and beauty and balance, in ways that are theirs.
And if you have any questions, I’m here, just reach out. xo lisa
All the details, all your questions hopefully answered, and immediate access to the materials once you register… With me available to support and coach you through it all via email or with private sessions in the upgrade. It’s a perfect window.. year winding down, not yet the holidays, time for you to be with yourself in a compassionate loving and focused way. It’s here if you’re ready.Or contact me hereand ask me anything. I will respond I promise. I also have calling hours open next week, book yours by replying to this. xo

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