Despite the chaos in the world, I see so much beauty and evolution both in my clients, my friends, myself.
I see so much courage.
I see so much heart, the true emotions and waves of feeling and vulnerability that allow that freedom for flow and that make space for what wants to change to release, to transcend.
I hear so much knowing
I hear the ways people are finding and refining what they know is theirs to speak, to offer, to assert.
I feel so much love… coming from so many corners, and sometimes from unexpected places or at unexpected moments.
I feel so much grief… yours, mine, ours in the collective and the global and from this permission to grieve together, a softening and a healing, that allows our internal energies and focus to gather and strengthen into things that matter…
on the teensy tiny level, to something bigger… but not always.. sometimes the tiny creates the biggest ripples even if it isn’t obvious to us. I trust that.
In this foggy morning, there is something clearing although there is not a ray of sun in sight.
A new season of sorts. I had a sense of it yesterday when reading all about the astrologers’ takes on the Venus Mars conjunction (which as you know I barely speak astro but i feel the energies of the shifts clearly).
Lots moving, clearing, it feels hopeful and like a slow surge building… watching, listening, sensing.. #IntuitiveBody
With all love xo lisa
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