Most of my clients are women struggling with emotional or disordered eating…many for years, and longer. And Although they kind of ‘know’ it’s not about the food, they still focus on the food.
But it’s much more than that.. it’s about how you love and tend yourself, if you trust yourself… or if you exacerbate symptoms with patterns that drive the pain.
And the patterns that drive the eating behaviors, the things that really are at the core of the struggle, are often overlooked…
One of them is this…
The sense of betrayal and self harm that comes from breaking promises to ourselves…
I see it so much in my clients with histories of emotional or disordered eating.
The trust that is lost. The relationship (with oneself) that is damaged.. sacrificed. The story that gets amplified around all of the ways we are hurt by not keeping your promises to your self.
That’s part of why I advise staying in the moment by moment choices.
NO big proclamations or announcements.
No false starts.
No over promising only to falter and give up.
Because it COSTS you. Your self love. Your confidence, Your believe in your ability to change, to stay the course, to create what your heart desires and longs for… To allow yourself the freedom to heal, to show your true nature, to express what is yours…
When you keep breaking promises… that becomes the storyline. That becomes the thing you identify yourself as.. All of the names you give it. All of the ways you spin it, All of the ways you become more attached to it… it gets a hold of you and chokes you off from your heart, from your spirit.
It’s ok to want things. It’s essential to know what you want, to choose better for yourself.
And to not set yourself up with goals that are too big, a pace that is unnatural and untenable, with rigid standards that can’t be sustained.

PS- let me help you with this. this is the work i do with clients around emotional eating and everything else.. getting out of the cruelty of either/or perfectionism.. of all or nothing promise breaking, of self betrayal and the pain of that pattern.
I”m here.. I have free calling hours this week and spaces still open. I’m here for you.. reach out. xo lisa
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