Special offer, Serving Hours.. complimentary counseling and coaching.
When you are struggling, feeling lost, depleted, uninspired, sleepless.. I can help. ~Turning points announce themselves through a variety of vague symptoms: deep restlessness, a yearning with no name, inexplicable boredom, the feeling of being stuck.
– Gloria Karpinski
While these moments are deeply uncomfortable, it’s a soul call, a heart call… a whisper from the part of you that knows, that wants more, that is ready to expand and come into fuller bloom, while emptying what no longer works, and what no longer serves.
Take the discomfort, the not-knowing, the sleepless nights with no answers that make sense and let’s start to move the pieces around so that you can see where your compass may be pointing.
So you might take gentle first-steps that honor what is changing, and the way you will move in the world.
These initial talks, consults… are one of my very favorite things. Where we can see the themes and the possibilities with fresh eyes that will inspire you beyond the ‘stuck’..
Reach out.. I’m here. xo lisa
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