I want to live at Kripalu.
If you’re like me, you may notice it’s just easier to come home to your body and settle in and be loving and accepting and grateful and all that good stuff we’re always striving for (sort of, in theory anyways, right?!) in some places more than others. Yes, I’m answering my own question because there is no doubt that there is an energy to feeling good in your body and letting go of the craziness and demons that so often relentlessly torture our once-innocent minds.
I spent this weekend at Kripalu, a magnificent yoga and learning retreat center in Lenox, Massachusetts and I could write a book about the insights and observations that quietly presented themselves while I was there- it was a beautiful, joy-filled 3 days and I did not want to leave. Am already planning my return, but I want to focus on the body-thing for this piece.
There were probably about 650 people in residence over the weekend- some there to study yoga or take various workshops, some like me to study with Deborah King for her “Be Your Own Shaman” workshop and others just on retreat. In the big communal dining room where the food is gorgeous, fresh, plentiful and the energy is welcoming, I couldn’t help but watch all of the different sizes and shapes moving about.
You might think that at a place like Kripalu, known for yoga training and the favorite of yoginis everywhere that it would be “that” kind of body everywhere! Nope… you’d be really wrong. Way wrong. Every body possible was in that room.
But here’s the interesting part, to me anyways. I can’t prove it but here’s my hunch…
Women who normally feel badly in their bodies, who cover them up, who don’t like to be “seen”, who avoid physical expression or physical activities or who may be really uncomfortable hanging out with women in very very “fit” bodies…. seemed to be much more happily embodied at Kripalu. They wore body conscious clothing, they ate what they wanted from the amazing bountiful buffets at meal time, they danced and moved and sweated… All of us in every size body were more free, more joyful, more expressive, more easily at home and grounded in these bodies of ours that we so often are NOT any of these things in.
Do I think that a place like Kripalu that prepares gorgeous food and yoga and dance classes and access to the magnificence of the natural world and meditation and chanting and such makes such a shift possible.Well… yeah, of course I do.
It’s amazing. Having worked with women struggling with food and eating and their bodies for 25 years now, I am fascinated by these shifts.eous healthy food, offers access to so much beauty in the natural world and senses, and so many opportunities to explore our physical selves via yoga and dance Exhilarated by these shifts. I love to watch women come back to center, nourish themselves beautifully, lose themselves in movement, cry just because they are moved and available to FEEL it all.
To be in connection, with your body, your emotions, your heart…. and get out of your fucking mind/thoughts that keep you imprisoned and to see this en masse is such an amazing thing. Sad that it’s SO amazing and not an every day thing for all us women and yet..
So I guess part of the message is be conscious and very very mindful of the surroundings you put yourself in. Where is your community and what are the messages there? What is the way of being with your body there? Is it about judgment and comparison or about acceptance, exploration, filling up with gorgeous sensual nourishing energy and food and activities.
Choose well. It really matters. When you can spend even a few days loving your body, trusting your body, seeing what you are able to do when you’re connected to this adorable, strong, magnificent, tolerant beautiful companion of yours, think of the ripple that can occur.
Soooo beautiful… Go find a little today.
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