My Holiday Love To You
I woke up this morning to big fat fairytale snowflakes…they automatically put everything into a meditative quiet place for me… ahh peace. They’re still coming down, not sticking, but just a little background for my morning of baking and tying up a few loose ends before we have 15 for Christmas Eve tomorrow night.. eve I mean.
However you celebrate the holidays, I just wanted to tell you that I wished you the best and the brightest and most beautiful during this time of the year.
I hope if you’ve been following me for any time, that you’ve learned how to slow it all down, and to find ways to make any celebration meaningful for you. To create rituals that are sacred and lovely (they can be super simple, that’s not the point) and that light up your heart. I hope and pray that you are not using the holiday season as an excuse to feel not-enough.. either around what you are or are-not buying for gifts for those you love (or don’t!), or how much you’re eating, or any of that craziness.
I suggested to the women I work individually with about a month ago, that they write down three to five things that would make the holidays beautiful for them.. rituals or practices, or certain people they’d connect with or recipes they would make, or traditions they would honor. Hone in on what matters to you and get really focused there. Let the rest go. This is good advice for any time of the year but especially when we are so bombarded by external messages of “more more faster faster”. If you are running around the malls frantically trying to fit in more in an effort to create the “perfect” holiday for somebody or yourself.. pause right here and take a moment to get yourself really clear. What do you really want?
As always let your inner wisdom and voice be your guide.. it’s usually SO simple, and simple will go right to your heart and make it all so much better. I promise.
One other thing. This week was the Winter Solstice. We are officially in the time of dark even though we have begun to move back towards the light. This is naturally a time of low energies, of hibernation, of dormancy. Why fight that? It’s Nature’s Way… it’s essential, a season of storing up and filling up your energies that have been depleted by the other seasons so that come Springtime you will be ready to bloom and go forth again. Nature has such wisdom and when we think we know better and try to set our dials to the same speed day in and day out we truly suffer. Depletion, depression, overeating and addiction and overall numbness creep in .. we get emotionally exhausted and physically less well. We lose our sparkle. It’s avoidable.
I want you to truly consider a little hibernation and dormancy and stillness over the next several weeks. It will do you a world of good. Refresh yourself.. do as little as possible. Learn to be instead of do. Feel your well slowly refill. It will be slow until one day you will wake up and feel more creative, more alive, more filled up and loving and like yourself.. It’s such a wonderful and predictable thing. But you gotta slow it all down first.. no guilt, no judgment… you’ve heard me say all of this before, but clearly some of you need me to say it again (said with love and a smile!!).
Kick back… put on some corny holiday music. I adore Burl Ives (once saw him in concert with my best friend.. the best voice ever!).
I wish you true peace… every blessing, renewal, much love…kisses under mistletoe, walks in the snow, sleeping late under piles of blankets, gorgeous meals with people you love, and every blessing..
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