I wrote this as a love letter to my classmates and teachers during the 1o-month training to become a teacher of Kundalini Yoga which I just completed. I have been a devoted student, and deeply love this practice.
Chanting sacred mantras is a big part of the tradition, and one I have been deeply moved by and deeply healed by. This is a piece that I wrote during one of our training weekends, after a particularly challenging and transformative morning for our class. We were ordered to be in silence during our lunch break to better integrate and settle the process we had just completed. And this is what was written through me this past March.
~Sing me into this sacred current of sound. Sing yourself into this perfect moment, open your mouth and draw the notes all the way up and let them be a blessing. Sing for those who are sick and suffering. Sing for the ones here in this room and those beyond these walls. Sing, chant these ancient words, feel them in your mouth, let your heart infuse and move them airborne, calling in the spring breeze, the morning light.
Sing sing your heart and let it be for those you love and also for the ones you don’t, not yet. Sing for all, we are all together now. Sing give it the power, let it be carried up and up, from the deepest springs and from the river of Yin, send your roots deep deep into these sacred waters, the current running through your life.
Sing and watch it all float by… let it. You do not need to hold on, not to the pieces floating, not to your own footing… Rest into the holy buoyancy of the music and feel the beat in your heart, feel them forming shapes in your mouth, feel them holding you in a gentle sway.
Sing now and let it move and expand your heart, travel fully into your throat, sing from this Divine spark, it’s right here, already touching into the deepest parts of you, porous and waiting.
Sing for those you thought were gone, for those you believed forever lost, those you knew and loved, but also those you never saw, would not have known, and yet you were connected, the threads present and unseen. Sing and hold nothing back now.
Sing for these golden threads, sing for this Golden Chain, sing for the belonging and for the blessings, both. Sing for and with the notes, both celestial and born of this earth, the silver and gold double helix that you glimpse from the Tenth Gate. Feel it turning, gently twisting the perfect spiral. Let your eyes catch the shimmer and the sparkle. See the droplets of water, the deepest pools, a clear green lagoon, a respite. See where the songs are reborn and held, where they wait to be chosen, where they come for you, and sing.
Sing, chant the words join this magnificent current that waits patiently, steadily and forever through all time, it’s right here, step into it and let it take you let it run, let yourself be refreshed. A baptism, the notes bubbling in your throat softening dissolving what wants to go.
Sing now, cast the words and the melodies out on your diamond net, see it billow as the air joins and sends them far far into the bluest sky, unfurling, the blessings, the healing, the highest intentions, the truest love. How far will they travel, where will they be heard and received? The destination not known, the answer not important.
Sing and do it with every shred of devotion that has lived always and forever inside of you, waking fully now to carry these notes. Sing to all that you love, to all of the love that you are and have always been, the love that is the truth of you. Let the rest go. it is time.
Sing now to the blessings, both the ones you could recognize and also to those only your soul could see. Secret gifts, love letters to your magnificent becoming, your unfolding scheduled and on time whether you knew it or not. Sing and take another step on your path.
You will sing, you will carry these sounds, you will honor the sacred and timeless, you do and you will. You are the beauty and the light, you are the reverence and the devotion and the gratitude.
Sing and remember what is true, you will know your name, you will know you are of the stars, of the planets in the heavens. You will sing for the Sun and the Moon, you will sing from these holy waters and this precious blue planet spinning on its axis. You will sing for your life, sing and you will pledge yourself to be a keeper of these songs,. You will say a holy ‘yes’ to all of it, you will be a note among many so many, open your heart, your throat, your mouth and sing.
Written March 2019. Lisa Claudia Briggs
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