There are certain phrases, that when we hear them, we know that they were meant for us, meant to have an impact.
You can feel something like that land in your #IntuitiveBody. it’s a visceral thing when something important finds you.
I’ve studied with such gifted beings over the last 25 years…And I once thought about writing a book about the best of what I learned from each.
The teachings that really mattered that changed who i became, once I metabolized and digested/integrated the new materials.
I’ve shared some of them.
This week, one of the phrases that keeps floating through my mind, and that brings with it such powerful opportunities to shift, came from yoga.. I have heard a few of my teachers offer this phrase, and i really LOVE it.. And I use it whenever I am reminded.
Maybe you will love it too… maybe you will use it also.
It’s a directive and a reminder..
“Sit in majesty”..
Something in us responds to that message. We have an immediate sense of what it means and how we might make use of it, how it might become who we are being.
For me, sitting in majesty is both physical and energetic. It’s a straight spine and a lifting up, an opening of the Crown.. it’s a strength and power and dignity, it’s a sovereign posture.
Emotionally it is about releasing all the less-than, not-good-enough stories that can be pervasive. It’s about claiming our divine spark, about the EMBODIMENT of the essence of that and allowing it to infuse our being in the moment. To sit and stand tall, to be who we came to be, to animate the best qualities within us that aren’t always expressed, often enough, or at all.
Say the words to yourself… “Sit in Majesty”… and see what happens.. I think it will feel good.. it does for me. Let the feeling and the energy of those words infuse you with something… take the challenge.
I want that for you… sitting straight and tall as i write to you, i feel calm, and like myself… all love xo lisa
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