Why You Must Write If You Want to Manage Your Weight- With Love to Julia Cameron
First I have to confess a little something. Although there were many years when I had a solidly devoted daily writing practice, as in writing daily in my journal about whatever I needed to move out of my busy brain and consciousness, to make room for something a little better…until recently, it’s been awhile.
After I wrote my book “Recovering Beauty: Sacred Rituals To Clear Emotional Weight” in 2008 I took a little break. I was spent, drained, and could not face the idea of writing. I had also been regularly cranking out weekly newsletters and tons of rewrites on copy for my website and the last thing I felt like doing was writing longhand in my journal.
Still.. I know the power of a certain type of writing having practiced it for so long and so it is one of the essential pieces that I ask my clients to do in their work with me. And truthfully, it’s something that makes the biggest difference with virtually every client I’ve worked with
Here is what I know deeply in my heart and mind, through years of experience in working with women who want to stop eating in ways that hurt them
Nothing moves energy more powerfully than a daily writing practice. The way I see it, thoughts and emotions and experiences get stored in our bodies, our tissues, our neural-networks and over time all of that stuck stagnant stuff makes mischief. It’s weight for one thing. When you are chronically worried about the same things, or struggling with patterns that don’t clear, relationships that left you with wounds that don’t heal..you must have a way to move out those energies so that you can move forward.
We all know too well that feeling of being weighed down, mired in the past, lugging around things that settle without ever getting neutralized. It’s essential that you find a daily way to move it out. I always say it’s like emptying the trash in your kitchen. Every day. You wouldn’t think of letting the trash build up (would you?), it’s a daily thing that needs to be dealt with, moved out so you can have a clean fresh kitchen. So your body and mind and energy field are the kitchen. And writing is an effective and simple way to take out the proverbial trash that’s been festering for heaven knows how long…not pretty.. not healthy.. not necessary.
And yes, I can hear you protesting or wanting to skip reading the rest of this post because virtually nobody wants to write when I present this concept. Maybe this will inspire you …my clients who do the best with letting go of weight are the ones who fall in love with their daily writing practice. It’s true, I swear.
For one thing, I’ve always believed you can’t just stop compulsive behaviors you have to trade up. So writing in a journal can become a very worthy substitute for compulsive eating. It’s addresses things at the source. Feeling antsy, uncomfortable, like you can’t stand being in your own skin? Or not sure why you’re suddenly wanting to eat a carton of something frozen while standing directly in front of the freezer.. out of the blue? Write through it.
Mostly I am suggesting that you make writing a daily ritual, at a specific time of day, I like mornings, but you can do what works for you. And as you’ve probably heard me say before, don’t try to make it the pretty, reflective kind of writing. This is essentially a purge. Think more in terms of letting yourself “vomit” whatever is on your mind, whatever you need to clear, out of your body and onto the pages. What is so powerful about this is that you are physically moving the energy from one container (your body) to another (the page)..you actually put it someplace else.. it’s gone. This works very well and over a number of days and weeks you will absolutely feel the shift into lightness, clarity, and the inspiration and creative flow that can now find you without all the old “trash” that used to be there.
This has to be done every single day. It’s the momentum, the ritual, the rhythm of it that makes the magic, don’t take shortcuts. My own writing practice got serious after I read Julia Cameron’s classic “The Artist’s Way”, one of the most beautiful books ever and one of my top 10 favorites. When you want to change a deeply ingrained pattern, habit, addiction.. you absolutely must adopt some new ones to help move it out. You have to add things, not subtract.
This is a ritual that will serve you beautifully in so many ways. It will let you know yourself in new ways, discover themes that are important for you to be aware of, and most importantly learn to take your needs and feelings and insights more seriously. This really is a sacred practice, and one I hope you will fall in love with.
I have returned to my daily practice of writing 3 pages longhand every single morning for about 2 months now. I forgot how much I loved the actual writing and how well it served me. It takes me about a half hour to do the writing each morning but I promise you, it’s time well spent. I have solved so many problems, found so much creative inspiration, connected to such beauty, and moved out all sorts of emotional weight that wasn’t supporting me. It can do the same for you.
And…if you would like a little support moving out some energy or are waking up with the same problem nagging you more than 3 times.. I have just the thing for you…Simple, Sacred, Sublime. The Firewalk Sessions. Read more here.
With great love from my heart to yours,
amy zellmer says
thank you for the reminder. I have been working towards writing a book, and realize that I need to just keep plugging at it every single day no matter what it is that I write.
admin says
hi Amy-
Congratulations on the book.. it’s so much work and keeping the momentum is part of it. This is actually about a different kind of writing.. more of a spiritual daily practice to move and clear out emotional energies which can also promote fresh creative thought for other projects like your book.. once the other stuff is moved out (like taking out the daily “trash” as I like to think of it) there is amazing room for flow to come through. Good luck with your project and maybe give this other kind of writing a try as well.
Melanie says
This is so true! I used to write in my journal almost every day, and in recent years when life got hard (lost my job, divorce, forced to sell my house) I didn’t WANT to write because I didn’t want my daughter to read my journals someday and think, “My gosh, what a negative person my mom was!” And guess what? I’ve gained about 20-30 pounds! No kidding. I loved “The Artists Way” and always struggled with the “morning pages” because I’m not a morning person, but this post reminds me of how important it is to get it all out, and future readers be damned! I have to let go of worrying about what others think and be true to myself, even if the story I have to get off my chest is one of struggle and frustration and heartbreak. Thanks for the reminder!
admin says
Hey Melanie! I love this comment (because I love being right.. just kidding..) and you’re proving what I’ve found to be true with myself and my clients..The writing is a powerful way to move out all of the energies that otherwise make “mischief”with our moods, and our ways of caring for ourselves. If you’re somebody that responds to tension or built-up negative emotion with food/overeating (as I was) then writing can be your new best friend. And don’t get hung up on the “morning” part… I don’t think that’s what matters as much as making it a daily ritual. I do believe doing it at pretty much the same time matters because that makes it more ritualized and supports you getting it done, in a way that feels more beautiful and nourishing. If you start writing again let me know, happy to support you. thanks for the comment too.
Claire says
I’ve been writing a daily blog for just over a year now and as you say I enjoy the process and the crativity; but becuase it’s public I hold things back. I used to write in a notebook when I was stressed; but don’t do it on a daily basis. I think I really need to start. I love the concept of moving the energy from one place to another, I felt powerless sometimes writing things down, because it didn’t feel like it changed anything; but in those terms it’s the most powerful and sometimes only thing you can do. Thanks for a great post!
admin says
Hi Claire…I love all the writers showing up! So I believe that the daily writing actually does change things…moving it out will free you up for something else.. something fresh and who knows what that will be? I agree that with the public writing we are not free to “purge” in the same way.. nor is it appropriate.. but you do need and deserve a place where you can do that and a journal is the perfect place. I’d love to know what happens if you reinitiate your writing practice…we could start a movement.. a bunch of lighter less encumbered women running around.. what might that lead to? Anyways thanks for reading and commenting.. appreciate it lots.
Marita Rahlenbeck says
Lovely insights. This year I have started writing, although on a keyboard as my ideas come so fast and furious writing longhand just does not work when Spirit inspires. It’s been an interesting process for me, as what’s happened is I channel and suddenly a poem appears. Hence, I am just buttoning up a book of poetry! and it was not even a notion of an idea 8 weeks ago. Heck, 4 weeks ago!
I love your writing and the wisdom you share!
admin says
Marita, thank you for that.. And how amazing to already have a book of poems in such a short time.. you were ready to give birth and didn’t even know it.. nice plug for starting a writing practice!! I still think that there is a place for writing longhand.. it’s the purging kind of journaling that I recommend doing longhand..everything else I too use my computer for. Excited to see where your creativity flows…
Ashley R. says
I’ve recently gotten back into daily writing (not three pages though) as a way to purge my brain of all the clutter and stress. I couldn’t agree more that writing is a great substitute for other ways we hold on to things in our lives. When I was recovering from my eating disorder writing became my substitute for overexercise and calorie restriction and I’m not sure where I would be without my it. Thankfully, writing has taken on a happier tone and use, but it is still just as therapeutic! I’ll have to check out ‘The Artists Way’ for even more inspiration so thank you for sharing 🙂
admin says
Ashley.. exactly..Love your testimonial here to the power of the purge onto the paper and how healing it can be when used regularly. SO much of an eating disorder, in my opinion, is about unexpressed emotions/thoughts/energies and so moving them out is incredibly therapeutic. You’d love the ARtist’s Way… hope you get it.. so glad you shared all this and that you are doing so well.
Jessica says
I am so happy to see someone of your caliber addressing the psychological component of healthy weight. It’s absolutely critical, and too often overlooked. I love the practice of writing (although I don’t do it often enough) for any problem that needs sorting out. I think you’ve inspired me…time to hit the journal!
admin says
Thanks so much…the energies of weight are the pieces that most need tending. Just a reminder that I’d love everyone to get a copy of my ebook.. “The Energy of Weight Loss:7 Essential Secrets” by signing up here.
Nona Jordan says
I love to write and, like you, I find myself blogging and newslettering, and NOT journaling!! I needed this reminder about the importance of journaling and plan to take it to heart!! Thank you… xo
admin says
Hi Nona! Well actually I AM journaling.. daily.. just finished today’s entry.. and since I recommitted I am loving it more than ever.. it’s a hugely powerful practice and although like you I write in other forms, it’s not the same. Get a cheap (or beautiful) notebook and plan for about a half hour to get the 3 pages done by hand.. it’s moved so much energy and given me boatloads of clarity since I started again several weeks ago. Would love to support your practice if you start so let me know.. love, Lisa
Sue Burness says
Lisa: I love that you’re drawing attention to the energetic/emotional aspects of body weight. People get so hung up on numbers, what they “should” eat,what the perfect body looks like etc.
When it comes to healthy weight, I truly believe the only thing that matters,besides common-sense nutrition, is the enjoyment of food in and of itself-rather than the use of food to sedate feelings.
In my own practice I encourage journaling combined with EFT. A great combination for many. There are many ways to “release” !
I read The Artists Way years ago, and may just re-read it thanks to your reference!
Lovely article!
Lisa says
Hi Sue-
thanks and I totally agree.. the perfectionism has robbed us of all pleasure and has made us afraid to eat.. not good. I agree with you around moving energy via writing and other healing practices to support the release of weight and the emotions that feed eating issues are essential. I love Julia Cameron.. all her books.. think you will too.
Love to you, Lisa