There are days that feel… quiet. Where I feel reticent to share anything.
Sometimes it’s a feeling of confusion, of knowing it’s better to wait quietly while I sort and sift the mix of what is outside of me and what is within me.
I know that it’s not typically useful for either of us for me to offer anything when there is not clarity… although sometimes the process and interim of getting clear, feel somewhat worthy of sharing.
I know that what I don’t know… is mighty… especially right now and there are certain conversations I am not willing nor ready to have particularly publicly. But I am listening.
Sometimes I don’t want to add to the Tower of Babel… to the noise.. all of us talking talking saying saying feeling feeling… There are many days that feels too much.
On the other hand… I have tried the last few years in particular to be consistent… to try to put forth at least something that might be helpful, supportive, loving… something even if it’s just a link to music that i love.. that might change it up for you a bit.. might let something open in you… a tiny gift from me that I can give easily and from a clear place.
And… writing and creating bits of content here, like most things is a practice. It needs to be tended daily to have real value.. it’s a body of work and even if some days what is offered is imperfect or ‘not as good’… I still feel it’s important to keep the rhythm going, to keep moving energy, to try to show up and be of service. Some days are better than others.. for sure.
Somebody posed the question today asking how do I show up as an ‘Elder’ for my community. And at 63 I know that I am in my Wise Woman years… and that is such an honor and a rite of passage that I am more and more aware of… and I love so much about having that archetype close to me now… so this is one of the ways… with words, and love and bits of perspective that I hope will support in some way your unfolding and your healing in this incredibly turbulent time.
So… even in today’s feeling of quiet and need for ‘less’… maybe this will offer you something.. I hope it does.
With love from my heart, to yours.. always xo
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