If you’re a woman, you may have had the experience of ‘losing’ yourself when in relationship.
This isn’t true only of romantic connections.. especially if you’re empathic by nature. Those with a developed empathic sense are blessed with many gifts but there can be a downside as many of us know.
When you are so attuned to the energies, moods, words and such of others, your attention is pulled outside of your self. You are not anchored or grounded in your own experience, you’re out mixing and mingling in the energies and experience of someone or something outside of yourself.
You may find yourself taking on their ‘stuff’… trying to fix or heal or comfort or otherwise giving too much. Or.. you may find that you are mirroring and absorbing their emotional state and feeling those things in your own experience without realizing that those are not ‘yours’.
One of the best ways to create energetic boundaries, not deplete your own energies nor abandon yourself while you put attention on those around you is to… pay attention.
If you know that you are vulnerable this way, as most of my clients are… learning to observe and stay present moment by moment is an essential practice and skill to develop.
It takes a lot of awareness, willingness, and practice. Because some part of you is used to leaving your body and sensing into whomever is around.
For more who do this, it’s an old survival skill, maybe born of trauma or patterns in the original family that necessitated staying on high alert around others to know what was coming and how to stay safe.
But.. it doesn’t serve you now. It keeps you codependent, out of your body and ungrounded which means you are automatically disempowered and not able to use the guidance of your #IntuitiveBody… not able to receive the gifts of any given moment, and not present for your own experiences. #LoseLose
Staying present, notice what happens for you around others. What physical sensations do you notice? What urges emotionally or verbally come up? Where do you feel compelled to try to fix or change somebody else’s experience? Where do you start to give ‘too much’. Where do you start to ‘feel too much’ and take on what isn’t yours.
This can be a fascinating and illuminating place to put your attention vs focusing all of it on others. YOu’ll learn a lot about your survival habits, and how you relate to others that probably is disempowering you and leaving you disconnected from your own #Intuitivebody… which leaves you adrift and without clarity or protection
Questions? Just message me.. For now practice these ways of being present.. just notice without judging what happens to you when you are near others.. what habits show up, what relational patterns show up? And then as best as you can use your breathing to come back to your body and the present moment.. and repeat and repeat… you’ll be shocked how often you are tempted to leave your own energy field and mix into somebody else’s..
xo lisa
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