An idea unfolds.. sometimes has different iterations if you give it a bit of space to show itself to you. It doesn’t always come all at once..
When we try to know all of the details, all at once, we may make mistakes, miss the guidance of our #IntuitiveBody.
We may create something for our business that is too much, or that we end up not loving or being able to sustain. We may commit to a wellness plan that we can’t live with because we didn’t try it on a bit and see how it FELT. We may create something from what our mind wants but our body and our heart actually don’t love the feel of it or can’t sustain the plan of it. This matters…
One of the biggest mistakes i ever made was designing the interior of my second condominium with my mom. We picked everything all at once. New fabrics, paint color, moldings.. more. It was all gorgeous.
But… when it was all installed, I did not love it. It wasn’t really me… I had made too many choices at once and although they were absolutely beautiful together, because I had chosen before I moved in… I hadn’t lived with any of them, and they weren’t right for me.
So… one day I took a paintbrush and painted all the walls a dark bottle green… ahhhh. way better.
Then soon after I made another change or two…
As I LIVED in the space, I knew more of how I wanted it to FEEL.. and that mattered… The space and I now had a relationship and I could respond by helping shape it to where it became my home and where it felt right and looked right to my heart and my aesthetic.
I’ve been designing a new program (launch in January 2021… SO VERY EXCITED).. And it has changed from when i first started creating it and thinking about how I wanted it to serve my clients.
The program will be about how to #FollowBeauty every day, using your own guidance from your #IntuitiveBody but with certain guidelines for me.. adding certain ways of nourishing yourself at every level…daily, but tweaked and personalized by you while supported by me and our community.
It’s going to be gorgeous. I mean beautiful… Deeply nourishing… both inspired and energizing and soothing and calming.
A way to return to your best, a way to support the best of you, simple but very powerful… and consistent… and loving…
We all need a big dose of this now because 2020 as we know has taken a lot from us without giving a whole lot back in immediate or obvious ways.
I am still finalizing details but this will begin early January… and will include the best of what i offer with two levels to participate..
I will be back this week with how to join.
All love, all beauty.. xo lisa
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