For me, one of the best parts about having a close relationship with my #IntuitiveBody, is that I trust myself in most given moments.
I can leave a lot of planning and worrying behind because I really do trust that in the moment, I will know what the next right thing is… to express, or offer, or create…
It’s not an intellectual thing although of course much of it mixes together and we use our own personal strengths and preferences to help us access the intuition.
We learn to sense how that intuitive voice/#intuitivebody speak to us.. how the message will come in.
Way back when, i remember one of the things that interfered with my feeling i could really trust myself as intuitive, had to do with that much of my intuition came in sounding very psychological… it sounded like lots of how I’d been trained professionally in my 21 years of working as a licensed clinician in various settings…
And so I used to think.. no this isn’t your intuition.. this is just your training.
One day, I remembered that it clicked for me that because i DID have that training.. it was one of the voices that my intuition could speak to me with… it was one of the languages that was already familiar and so it ‘came in’ through that place.
This was SUCH a breakthrough for me. Huge. I got a big piece of understanding around how my own intuition worked. And realized we all will have our own way of hearing, receiving and trusting the guidance and messages.
Knowing how to use your own intuitive nature… is a big deal.. puts you at an advantage in pretty much all situations. It’s your safety mechanism, it helps you parse out what is right and not for you in the world, helps you understand others more clearly, and helps you trust yourself in most situations when you know you can tap an always present source of guidance.
What’s your relationship with your own #IntuitiveBody? Do you know what this guidance sounds like? Do you trust it? It takes time but first… make the decision to begin to trust it… that will help. My teacher told me long ago to act as if I knew I was intuitive. And it worked. A muscle like any other new skill… using it, allowing it to begin to speak to you… helps strengthen the skills.
Have questions about how to make this work for you? This matters in personal relationships, in creating new work/business, in how to assess your health and how to best care for and feed yourself… everywhere that matters benefits from you
having a close connection with your #IntuitiveBody… Reach out.. we’ll schedule a casual chat and I’ll give
you some immediate feedback and useful strategies.. on the house.
xo all love, lisa
#IntuitiveBody #Sacredlistening
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