40 DAYS~ Breaking The Spell of Emotional Eating
I am creating maybe my most powerful program ever. In 35 years. This is the one.
I’ve been immersed for weeks, in the midst of creating what is a kind of signature program from me. 40 Days~Breaking The Spell (of Emotional Eating).
When I am asked a question… don’t expect any kind of concise answer hahaha… This is long. But I hope you read it. xo lisa
I’ve been reflecting a lot on the new program I’ve been moved to create (maybe for you?!). The reasons I am so in love with it, what has been driving me, why it feels so meaningful to me right now. And the reasons have been slowly unfolding quietly as I write and write… the content, the marketing materials, the newsletters.
So here are a few things that have helped me to clarify even more why I want to offer this program right now.
Firstly… It’s personal. My Dad died 41 years ago. And in the 10 years prior while he was sick, I developed a binge-eating disorder to try to numb out and cope. Emotional eating is a BIG part of my personal history. And it took me a long time to sift and sort the pieces and heal the binges, the extra weight, the dependence on playing with my chemistry, the self-loathing and judgement, the depression and anxiety that came with being a sensitive/empath and with the beating my poor body and brain chemistry were taking from it all.
Honestly I could weep when I remember the pain, the frustration, the cycles, the ways I defined and limited myself because of it all. It was a big deal. As it is for my clients who find me after trying pretty much *everything*. So there is that.
Also personal, the feeling at my age, of wanting to leave something, a kind of legacy, behind.
My belief that it will be evergreen and always relevant for the kinds of clients I’ve worked with for 35 years. For what I’ve learned. What I’ve created that helps and heals. For a perspective that was mine before others wrote books about the connections that became so clear to me during my own fire walk thru the eating and weight symptoms.
I want to leave this in a way that it can support and serve as many people as want it, in an accessible and affordable format.
I have long believed that this is at least in part, a mystical journey. To change how you see yourself, To release the addictive patterns that cover your true nature up. To come out of hiding to share your gifts and talents… the uniqueness of you as a masterpiece, to return to that, to your innocence, to the beauty of all of you, flaws scars humanity imperfections and all… especially those b/c we know (at least in our hearts) that that is where the beauty is, and we are strong AND beautiful in the broken places but also in our original perfection.
How we shift our knowing of our self… is sacred and in my view, takes a mystical connection. This was never a diet and exercise issue. It was a heart and soul, return to love and connection and truth and a refilling and releasing, a knowing and trusting, an #intuitivebody piece.
I *know* that mix, I have sought that mix, studied with mystics and teachers and wise ones far and wide for over 25 years. I also understand a lot about the food, A lot about the energy, a lot about the wiring and the nervous system and how addressing all of this through a point of pain and shame and heaviness and overwhelm is one of the most sacred journeys you will ever take.
That pain gets our attention, and the pieces we experience in service of our wholeness… are so very powerful and life changing.
Being part of your walk, that transformation, is the biggest honor and the best work ever.
Not everyone wants to work privately with me.
Not everyone will make that investment even if they do. This provides a lot of access and still lets me be available via email coaching plus open office hours … private coaching in quick bites to get through any blocks or for a little love.
Honestly I love this program and how it will allow me to support more of you, who really need these materials and this support to break free from the hell of emotional eating and everything that goes with it… I can help…
And…I realized this morning as I was writing more content, another reason behind this project.
To actually write through these various strategies, perspectives, experiences is incredibly powerful and poignant for me. Walking through the pieces of what I experienced, of what I have shared with clients for years, of what I gleaned from my own teachers and supports… well, it’s something.
I didn’t realize what it would feel to write it all, it’s emotional, and that makes me know something of it’s power to offer value for another.
I also believe this is the most generous high-octane valuable thing I can put forth, especially at this price point.
I feel good about that. My coaching is high-end, an investment. I don’t apologize for that but I always wanted to be able to reach more people and to offer what I could to those who needed it. This lets me do that and feels really good to my heart.
So~ those are some of the reasons for what has turned into a MUCH bigger project than I (of course, so typical of me) anticipated.
You can register right now (!!) if you choose and will immediately receive some deep beautiful pre-work in addition to a free copy of You Are The Temple… filled with ways to create an at home healing retreat or just live with more beauty and rituals and healing practices every day… It’s 140 pages and beautifully designed. Daily materials launch 9/22 on the Equinox.
With all my love… from my heart to yours…
And if you have ANY questions about this or anything else… just reach out. It is my pleasure to connect with you individually.. Any notes you send me via my website (or anywhere else) are seen by my eyes only, and responded to with the attention they deserve, ok? xo lisa
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