Finding time to live in your senses and seek out the pleasure available in any small moment.. can really serve you and will really uplift you and keep you from full out despair… or at least a small break from it.
We HAVE to take breaks. We have to blow beauty back into the ether, to purify the air for each other whenever we can… be conscious of what we send out.
It is not a betrayal of any cause or your heart or your values.. to take a break to refresh yourself and to rebalance…
Keeping your nervous system, your mind and body tuned and recentering moment by moment will save you and will help the collective.. keep you able to bring love and support and intelligence to whatever challenges you must respond to.
So.. tell me.. where do you need permission to create more beauty, more nurturing rituals, more rest, more play, more of what returns you safely and securely to the truest and best version of you?
Here? It’s a break in nonstop heat/humidity into a sparkling clear dry day.. it’s gluten free toast and avocado and smoke salmon and a morning off to the beach as summer wanes. It’s early morning notes with friends, and incredible music playing and my beloved Pansy sleeping quietly next to me with sunlight pouring in the windows and the back door and window open.
So… tell me.. what about you.. what feels beautiful and right and sensual and good for you right now?
Let’s flood ourselves with a little beauty.
PS~ One of the things clients consistently thank me for is infusing their daily life with beautiful rituals that set the energy for the day… beauty that ripples into relationships, into work, into taking more steps that feel even better… that build momentum towards healing around challenges big and small… I’ve seen it time and again. I can help. Reach out.. we’ll talk. xo lisa
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