When you still haven’t found relief for emotional eating and overeating.
Keep reading for 3 options for real RELIEF!

I got a note from a client today. I have received many such notes in the last 35 years of helping women change their relationship with their bodies and with food.
It was a note filled with shame, with self loathing, with harsh judgements… all directed towards herself.. her body… her size…
If you’ve ever read such a thing, you might know that it’s hard to hear. To experience one’s own turning against oneself…
A kind of betrayal, a form of self-abandonment, no safe harbor for the pain and the frustration and the sense of powerlessness.
And we have to soften it..
We can’t go head to head with that kind of pain because it fights back harder, it goes bigger, it becomes more of itself and voracious and relentless… all of the perceived failures and imperfections.

And so we find ways to reconnect with heart, with compassion, with finding ways into that place where there is not abandonment.. but compassion, kindness toward self, a new perspective… and new practices…
We often can’t think our way into these mired places.. we have to act our way in… small actions, rituals, practices that have BIG and lasting impacts.
AND… I have a women’ group forming..intimate and loving, filled with supportive feedback and very new strategies so you don’t have to turn to food, don’t have to fear your emotions, don’t have to end up in the shame and self hate or in a body that doens’t feel like ‘yours’.
AND… this is also the work i do privately in deep immersive life changing individual programs.
OR if you’re not sure what you need or if you want to move forward, a complimentary conversation that will provide immediate insights and a shift, even if you choose not to work with me, I guarantee you will see things differently AND experience some relief… yes, really.
All love. xo lisa
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